Fishing time is a precious commodity, and market research shows that many people who travel to a new area to fish on their own, often leave disappointed. Sometimes the timing of their visit is wrong, or their fishing techniques and tackle are inappropriate. Other times, the location they select to fish is not ideal, or the lodging or guides that they book do not meet their expectations.
To help alleviate these problems, fishing travel consultants can be found in many popular angling destinations around the world. I am one of the only trip planners in Maine and have been in operation since my book, A Fisherman’s Guide to Maine, came out in 2004.
My services can be as simple as providing advice and topographical maps for a weekend backpacking trip to a remote trout pond, or as complex as arranging a week-long itinerary at full-service lodges for anglers interested in my ‘Grand Slam’ tour of Maine fishing.
My standard fee for helping to plan your trip is $200, and can increase in proportion to the amount of time I spend. Budget-minded anglers really like this service because you often can get a full week’s worth of Maine fishing ideas for far less than the cost of a single guided trip.
To find out more about my trip planning services, please complete the online information request form by clicking the button below. Or just call, or send me an email, describing the type of trip that you are interested in.
That was the best $200 I ever spent.
Tommy Z, West Virginia
“I encountered near ideal conditions at every spot that you sent me.”
Eddie R, Maine
“I would never have found most places without the maps and GPS coordinates that you provided.”
Sam S, Massachusetts
“We put our trip completely in your hands and you came through with flying colors”
Wade S, Mississippi