I am very fortunate to be a Maine guide because I get to spend my summer doing what I love, and meet interesting people nearly every day. One of my favorite aspects of guiding is to observe the effect that fishing has on the human psyche. Clients often arrive with their internal clocks wound tightly from the demands of our modern world; but after just 4 or 5 hours on the water, I see a whole new person emerge. I’m convinced that fishing is a better stress-reliever than any drug or therapy program on the market. Come spend a day or two Maine fishing with me and see for yourself.
More info about Maine Fishing
Click for Maine Seasonal Fishing Calendar
“We saw 4 moose on the trail into the pond that we fished. Then we caught a dozen or more thick-bodied brookies, all on flies. Our day ended sitting on the porch of our cabin listening to loons call on the lake. I’ve never had a more satisfying day of fishing, and I fish a lot.”
Mo G, Asheville NC